Saturday, October 26, 2013

Your Little Birdies!

Here you go... your 1st little friends.  The birds wall sticker we bought you in Vankiz, next to Oma's shop.

You talked to them! You went coo and moo and I think you occasionally fought with them.
And I even think that you name each one of them.

Oh you are too cute!

I love you baby!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy 2 Months!

Happy 2 months little baby! Wow time goes fast, aye? All the sudden I'll be taking you to get your driving license done!

Look what your papa did. He took our picture in our (well, my..) worst look ever. You were a bit cranky that night you wanted to be held all the time, so I held you till you fell asleep in my arm. And I did too, on the chair. 

Like mother like daughter.

Anyway,  so you are 2 months now.  I really hope that I can take you out soon so we both can restart the shoe business and any other businesses we are going to run.  We will conquer the world, you know.
But. I still have no idea how I would breastfeed you in public.  How would I change your diapers in public.  What if you sulk and wail. Lots of things I need to figure out. 

Eyang Uti urged me to teach you drinking from the bottle.  Means I have to pump.  But somehow, emotionally,  I don't want to feed you other than from the breast. I'm afraid I would feel no longer needed.  I know it's a silly thought but it kept crossing in my head. Someone is being  hypersensitive , press the alarm!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Your 1st Spa Ever

Yaaay you finally got your 1st massage.  Well not exactly the 1st since you had one from mbok pijet when you were 2 weeks old and you had plenty from your papa.  But I mean this is your 1st  time having a massage in a spa.

It was Toddie baby spa right behind eyang's house.  And the place was really nice.

Well, you look happy and pampered! The spa lady said you can try the swimming therapy next month when you can lift your head already.  Can't wait for it!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Your 1st Eid Al-Adha

Yaaay it is your very 1st Raya ever. I dresses you up with this little cute bandana Eyang Kung bought you. We saddled you up in your pink little chair and buckled you in the feont car seat! Oh you were adorable. 

You and I didn't go for Sholat Eid. Because you were still sleeping and your papa and I had no clue how to bring you yet. So it was just papa going.

Anyway, after dressing you up we went to Bukit Tanggul but Eyang were in the mosque so we dropped by to show you off. As always you were an angel in the car. Right after we drove off to Permanu. That's Mami Cicik's parents house. We went there because everyone was there.  Opa, Papi Rully , Mami Cicik, Kak Aurell and Bang Dzaky were all there. Oma was in Jakarta so we didn't go to Kepanjen.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Nice Words

Hi Baby.

You are around 1,5 months already. And you are growing even cuter each day, and heavier, and longer! I remember the 1st day we brought you home, we only used like a half width of the table to change your diapers or clothes. Today, your feet reach the edge of the table already!

Anyways, in last few days I learned so many things about you and about life. I learned that you like to be held high and your head on my shoulder, like a laundry being dried under the sun :D I learned how to make your sleep better at night, by not letting you cry first before breastfeeding you. I learned  to be calm and composed when you are crying. And I learned that you don't like wearing The Clodi. The legendary Cloth Diapers. That will be another histerical story.

Oh, and I learned that if we have nothing nice  to say, we'd better not saying anything at all. Look, even some good things  can turn real bad if we don't put it right. So when our intention is good, why don't we take some times to think our words over and deliver it with a smile? Even bad things can sound better and less painful if we are able to deliver it nicely. It does matter because we speak and listen to communicate. For instance, now the major way for you to communicate is crying.  In the adult world, crying is identical to sadness, madness, or anything uncomfortable. So crying is perceived to be depressing and needed to be stopped right away. That's not the case with you, or all the babies in this world. You even cry just to call me to come to you. If I see you from adult perspective, then I'd be stressed out because crying signal some depressing message across my head. Well, I was stressed out at the 1st weeks of your age, of course. But see what I learned from you. Life lessons! Thank you Baby!

Mama loves ya!