Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy 5 Months, Lil Amora!

Hay girl,
Amora Azalea  Haykal,
you are 5 months  old!

Now you are already rolling over and over again I can't  even  let you nap on your tummy because  you  will go around and I'm  afraid  you'll  fall from the bed.

You also scream now. With this little  squeaky  sound you manage to make your  Papa's head bangs.

Your grip is so strong you even pinch me a lot these  days. You always play during  breastfeeding time, and you prefer playing  than eating. You can even roll over on your tummy in the middle  of a feeding  session.  You are one play-hard-baby.

And you are 5.65kilos and I'm  getting  a measuring  tape tomorrow  to take your height. Gosh we used to have lots of them in many colors, where  in the world  are they?

And I decided  to discard blogger  app from my android  because  it kept on losing  my posts of you. Argh.

Anyways, we have another  shoe sample to work on little baby,  let's sleep!

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