Thursday, December 19, 2013

4 Months!

Wow... I can't believe I've been a Mom for 4 months already. 
This journey is a roller coaster ride but in yhe end seeing your smile and listening to your coo-ing and aah-ing is beyond anything!

You were supposed to get your 2nd spa today.  But the dpa was full reserved so tomorrow it is.

Your rash *we Javanese called this keringet buntet* -apparently you are heavy sweater- is getting much better.  I tried using herocyn baby, combined with sebamed cream, and last 2 days I use only minyak telon with you. I don't know which but one of them works.

tomorrow we'll find out your weight and length I'm expecting a mmuch longer you!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hey Gorgeous!

Lots been happening.
You got your first rash which freaked us out.
You went to your 1st picnic at the dam. I didn't like pulling out my phone in the middle of an event it is just too complicated to operate it with you around.  So I just relied on anyone else who might be more than delighted to take pictures with their cameras.
Forgive me  on that.  I'll ask your Oma I think she has some.
Apparently you are a little too sweaty so you got this rash on your tummy and your back after a long trip.

P.S: Mbak Indra's help is a maasive lift on my shoulder.  And you like her which is awesome since you are very picky.