Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ta Ta Ta

My birthday!

It's my first birthday with you Nak!

Your Papa was sick the day before. So I expected that he completely forgot. But nope.. at 2 am he woke me up with this cute little hello kitty cake!

You woke up and peeked from under the pillow, and we celebrated my birthday together!

This 27th birthday, my wish is "a peace of mind day". But I guess maybe next year :')

Love you Amora,

Friday, April 11, 2014

First Flu!

This is your first flu ever. You were coughing, your nose is runny, your body temperature is warm, your eyes are red and watery.

Gosh, you break my heart.  Get well soon sweety!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


6 mo 2 weeks! You're suddenly sitting! But you still  need assistance to be seated. You're still learning how to lift your body!

So proud!

Monday, January 20, 2014

So How's The Stock Going, Papa?

"Yes Papa, how's  the stock  going? What's  our strategy  for the upcoming  months?"


"Ah, I'd better watch Bingo, these finance reports make me hungry, Pa"